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This movie reunites the team that made the sleeper hit of last year, The Sixth Sense. Unbreakable is produced, written and directed by M. Night Shyamalan and stars Bruce Willis.  This is another spooky story, this time with Willis as a man who is literally unbreakable.  As seen in all the trailers, Willis is in a terrible train wreck and not only is he the only survivor but he doesn't have a scratch on him.  Soon, he realizes that he has never been sick a day in his life and begins to wonder what the deal is.  He meets a man with an explanation, played with a lot of creepiness by Samuel L. Jackson. Jackson is the opposite of Willis. He is the breakable man since he suffers from a rare disorder that makes his bones very brittle.  His simple explanation, since he makes his living selling comic books, is that Willis is a superhero and just doesn't know it.  If this sounds weird, it is, and it gets a lot weirder.  But Unbreakable is a very compelling film.  It is not as satisfying as Sixth Sense but it is good. This is definitely not an action movie.  In much the same style as Sixth Sense, Shyamalan slowly builds the suspense.  Everything moves along almost in slow motion as we watch Willis discover exactly what his powers are and why Jackson is so interested in him.  In Sixth Sense and here, Bruce Willis shows that he can act and act well. He is very good here as the confused man who can't be hurt.  We know that Jackson can act and he has a good role here as he plays the extrovert to Willis' introvert.  Helping Willis make sense of it all, are his estranged wife (Robin Wright Penn) and his son (Spencer Treat Clark).  The heartbreakingly beautiful Wright is, as always, very good. She has made some very nice films including The Princess Bride, The Playboys and Forrest Gump but isn't seen on the screen that often, possibly because she has spent too much time working things out with her hubby, Sean Penn. She is a bit wasted in Unbreakable mainly because her relationship with Willis which is introduced well, has no payoff at the end of the movie. Clark, as the son who dearly wants his father to be a superhero, is adequate but pales in comparison to Willis' previous co-star in Sixth Sense, Haley Joel Osment.  The only important relationship in this film is between the unbreakable and breakable men, Willis and Jackson who are both playing against their usual macho typecasting.   I can't say more without giving things away but the ending leaves as many questions as answers. Still, I really like the way Shyamalan directs. It makes this movie worth seeing.