This movie wants to be The
Bridge on the River Kwai. I hesitate to mention The Last Castle
the same breath as The Bridge
on the River Kwai since it isn't worthy of sharing the same shelf at
Blockbuster but they have very
similar plots. In the earlier film, an accomplished soldier (Alec
Guinness) who is a natural leader of men is put in a prison camp
run by just the opposite, a pencil-pusher (Sessue Hayakawa) who suffers
from low self-esteem. In The
Bridge on the River Kwai, the result is an amazing film, at the center
of which is the contest of wills between these two men. The Last
Castle attempts to create a similar situation between a famous general
(Robert Redford) and the warden of the military prison (James Gandolfini)
where Redford is sent after his Court Martial. We see early on that
the Warden is not a real soldier in the eyes of the General. And
just to make sure we get the idea, Gandolfini is seen listening to music
by Salieri. As the New York Times points out, ``The director Rod
Lurie doesn't get around to having [Gandolfini] drive an Avis rental car
or drink a Pepsi to establish his status, but he might as well."
The Warden tends to be a bit out of control and much like the Warden in
Shawshank Redemption, he gets ``rid" of troublemakers with the help
of guards in the watchtowers. Just as in The
Bridge on the River Kwai, the Warden tells his prisoners when they
arrive that they are no longer soldiers. Redford, like Alec Guinness
before him, restores the prisoners' self esteem by making them feel like
soldiers again, while building resistance to the Warden. Gandolfini
responds by trying unsuccessfully to break Redford's will even sending
him to the ''hole" as Guinness was. Eventually, the Warden tries
to compromise but this is seen as the weakness it is, and Redford and his
``soldiers" proceed to take over the prison. Unfortunately, all this
copying of a classic old movie into a modern setting is wasted.
Redford and particularly Gandolfini are very good in their roles but unlike
Guinness and Hayakawa there is never any tension in this new film about
how things are going to turn out. The Warden is too dumb and incompetent,
and Redford is too smart and good. It's amazing that the prisoners
hadn't taken over the prison long before Redford arrived, considering the
idiotic security at the prison. A brief attempt is made to make Redford
appear human by showing that he wasn't a very good father to his daughter
(Robin Wright) but that lasts all of five minutes and then he returns to
saintly status. Wright's appearance as Redford's daughter is all too brief.
She has been appearing briefly in a lot of movies lately (The
Pledge, Unbreakable)
but this is the briefest yet. She seems to be one of those actors
who started out great with lots of talent (The
Princess Bride, The Playboys)
and then just petered out. It's always fun in these kind of movies
to see what kind of Swiss Family
Robinson type stuff they will put together to fight their better armed
opponents. In The Last Castle, the prisoners don't use the
logs set in motion by a trip wire, that has been copied in innumerable
films, but they do build a catapult. Actually, not a catapult but
a Trebuchet. The Warden being well versed in military history, calls
it by name when he sees it roll out. On the other hand, I said, ``They
must watch NOVA in prison." I clearly remembered the NOVA
program where they build a Trebuchet and the one in the movie looks
just like it. Anyway, this movie is a horrible mishmash. Unless
you want to feel patriotic after the recent events of September 11 (the
American flag figures prominently in the plot), I would just rent The
Bridge on the River Kwai, sit back at home and watch a real movie.
As Major Clipton says as the end of Kwai, ``Madness, madness."