Eyes Wide Shut
(Click here for Internet Movie Database entry)

In 1968, when I was 13, I went to see Stanley Kubrick's 2001, A Space Odyssey  eight times in its first run in the theatre. It embodied everything that I dreamed about space. But a lot of other people were not so enamoured by it. They felt  like they didn't get it or even that it was boring! Well, here we are 30 years  later and I went to see Kubrick's last film, Eyes Wide Shut. And I don't get it  and it was a bit boring. The first half hour was great.  The cinematography is  amazingly beautiful. The movie was shaping up to be a  very interesting story between Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman who play a well-off  married couple living in New York with a young daughter.  They have some issues to work out.   But then it gets weird, very weird. The weirdest thing is that Nicole Kidman disappears from the screen. She only appears briefly during the  last two thirds of the movie. Instead, we follow Tom Cruise through his waking  nightmare. This movie is a bit like a sequel to Risky Business as directed by Stanley Kubrick. In Risky Business, Tom Cruise pays $300 for a hooker. Here he pays  only $150. So much for inflation. More importantly, the key phrase in Risky  Business was, "The dream is always the same." Here it is, "A dream is never only a  dream." At the end of Risky Business, we are not sure that it wasn't all a dream.  In Eyes Wide Shut, a dream that Nicole Kidman has about a man she wanted but never had, sends Tom Cruise off to get even by having sex with someone else.  But it makes little sense, and Tom ends up having more screen time with Sydney Pollack than with Nicole Kidman. I guess I don't get it. The moral of the story is summed up by Nicole Kidman at the end when she says that what they need to do more is M'kay as we say on South Park. I guess we can all agree with that.