Let me just start by saying
that Attack of the Clones is a 100 times better than The
Phantom Menace. Much as The
Empire Strikes Back was a huge improvement on the original Star
Wars, Attack of the Clones is bigger, darker and more complex
than The Phantom Menace.
And, it actually has a plot and some semblance of writing. Most important,
Jar Jar is only onscreen for about 5 minutes and plays no important role.
Finally, Anakin Skywalker is not longer a cute little kid who can't act.
The story starts ten years after the end
of Phantom Menace.
Anakin (Hayden Christensen) is now a young man, finishing up his apprenticeship
with Obi-Wan Kenobi (Ewan McGregor). The Republic is drifting into
civil war as thousands of star systems join a separatist movement lead
by a former Jedi, Count Dooku (Christopher Lee). The Supreme Chancellor
(Ian McDiarmid) is playing both ends against the middle. On the one hand,
he wants to raise an army to protect the Republic. But on the other
hand, as Darth Sidious, he has another agenda. Meanwhile, the Jedi
knights are hardput to keep the galaxy together. The Jedi council
is led by Mace Windu (Samuel L. Jackson) and, of course, Yoda (Frank Oz).
Queen Padme Amidala (Natalie Portman) is no longer queen and now represents
the planet Naboo in the Senate along with fellow senator Jar Jar Binks
(Ahmed Best). Someone is trying to assassinate Padme so Anakin is
assigned to protect her while Obi-Wan tries to track down her would-be
Attack of the Clones
begins to tell us how the little boy of Phantom
Menace turns into Darth Vader. Like a typical teenager, Anakin
is having problems dealing with authority figures. He is haunted
by feelings of guilt over leaving his mother. She is still back on
Tatouine. And, he is suffering from raging hormones whenever
Padme is around. Without giving anything away, by the end of Attack
of the Clones, all of this has started Anakin down that dark road.
Christensen is good casting. He broods well and he has good chemistry
with Portman. She gets a chance to get out those queen clothes and
fire a blaster with the best of them. But watch for her ``Britney
Spears" outfit. Some of the dialog between the lovebirds will make
you wince but the mushy stuff isn't so bad. Portman even has her
hair done a la Princess Leia in one scene. Ewan McGregor is great
as Obi-Wan and seems to be channeling Alec Guinness. Samuel L. Jackson
is amazing in any role and he makes you believe he is a Jedi. I need
to mention Yoda's performance because he is now completely computer animated.
Frank Oz is left with only his voice. Great effort has been made
so that Yoda looks and moves as the old muppet did. He seems quite
different. It's like meeting the real person after playing with a
doll all these years. At first it's a bit jarring but then it's fun.
And Yoda can really move! Christopher Lee is playing a character
very similar to the one he plays in Lord
of the Rings. He seems unchanged except for a haircut and changing
his clothes from white to black. But then, all Fantasy including Star Wars
is derived from Lord of the
Rings. Jimmy Smits also appears but I don't know why. He
doesn't do anything but stand around in a frilly collar. Maybe he
gets a bigger part in Episode III.
But it's the action scenes that
make Attack of the Clones so entertaining. The pace of this
movie is much better and things move right along. In an early scene,
there is an amazing aerial car chase reminiscent of The
Fifth Element or Blade Runner.
And, there are two of the best battle scenes ever. We've never seen
more than 3 Jedi at one time before but here we have 20 or 30 of them fighting
for their lives. That battle ends in a surreal fashion like something
out of Black Hawk Down.
And then there's Yoda but I will say no more. Even when we are enduring
bucolic scenes of Anakin and Padme out on a picnic, other scenes of Obi-Wan
fighting Jango Fett (Boba's father) are intercut. George Lucas seems
to have lost some of his squeamishness about hurting anybody. He
sets the tone when he kills somebody off (no, not Jar Jar) in the first
scene of the movie. The whole movie is darker and like The
Empire Strikes Back , nothing good happens to anyone in this film.
The Jedi are losing control of the galaxy. Yoda is having trouble
because ``the dark side clouds everything." Everybody is shot, slammed,
clawed, light-sabered or generally beaten up by the end.
There are lots of nice little touches
that presage the original trilogy such as when we see younger versions
of Uncle Owen and Aunt Baroo, and Boba Fett as a kid. Plus, a chill
goes down your spine the first time Anakin is bad and you hear the Darth
Vader theme in the background. And some of George's sense of humor
is back too. In one scene where Anakin and Padme are kissing, the music
swells and then suddenly grinds to a halt as she pulls away. From
what I've read, I liked Attack of the Clones more than most reviewers.
I think they are taking themselves too seriously. It's not high art
but it's a really enjoyable film to watch. So let go and have fun.
And, you gotta see Yoda in action.